If you’re searching for a new distro to try, go no further than Linux Mint! The fact that it’s Ubuntu-based means that it supports one of the largest Linux communities while still being accessible and elegant for everyone: newbies, veterans, and system administrators alike. Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce are the three desktop environments available in Linux Mint. Cinnamon, not MATE, was Linux Mint’s first flavor. These two options dominate Linux Mint’s desktop experience. You can switch to a new desktop environment no matter what desktop environment you’re currently using. If you’re undecided about which path to pursue, This article will assist you with Linux mint cinnamon vs mate comparison.

Linux Operating System

An open-source operating system. You can use it for free! Everyone has access to it since it is in the public domain. It can be changed to fit the demands of the customer if necessary. Because the Linux operating system is freely available, anybody may contribute to the Linux community by using it. Android is based on Linux as well. It’s a secure operating system. Administrators have complete control over Linux programs, ensuring maximum security. Linux gets utilized in personal computers, servers, the cloud, and supercomputers because of the customizable opportunities.

Linux has a large community of talented programmers. With the help of a competent staff of experts, it provides 24/7 service to its users. Let’s dive into the workshop’s specifics and look at the Cinnamon and Mate desktop environments in Linux Mint

Linux Mint Cinnamon Vs Mate 

While adding new functionality, all desktop environments strive to satisfy some fundamental objectives. Cinnamon and MATE are both the outcome of the controversial GNOME overhaul. Both are highly influenced by GNOME 2; thus, there are a lot of similarities. However, both have developed their software collections and adoptions throughout time. Because Linux Mint makes a few modifications here and there, the MATE desktop won’t look and feel like the default. These desktop environments are described in further depth as follows:

Cinnamon Edition of Linux Mint

Its development began about a decade ago when the GNOME desktop opted for an unorthodox UI with GNOME 3 to maintain the desktop’s traditional appearance by forking several GNOME 2 components. Cinnamon desktop is Linux Mint’s premier version, created by the Linux Mint team.

It is popular among Linux users because it resembles the Windows 7 interface. The performance of the cinnamon desktop has improved since previous iterations, but without an SSD, it can feel a little sluggish. The current version, 4.8.6, has a significant improvement, with the boot time lowered by 100 MB. A dual-core CPU with at least 4 GB of RAM should get considered for the optimum user experience.

Smooth transition from Windows Aesthetically pleasing If you have a machine with 2 GB RAM, it may not be optimal.
Exceptionally adaptable

Linux Mint Mate Edition

You receive a customized version of MATE desktop in Linux Mint, based on Cinnamon aesthetics rather than the original GNOME 2 layout. There’s no denying that the MATE desktop has a reputation for being lightweight. Compared to Cinnamon desktop, CPU consumption is constantly lower, translating to longer battery life on a laptop. For a feature-rich desktop environment, RAM consumption starts at about 500 MB, which is excellent.

A light desktop without sacrificing functionality Traditional aesthetics might make you feel out of date.
Enough customization potential

Linux Mint Cinnamon vs Mate comparison

Here is a Linux mint cinnamon vs mate comparison:

Aesthetic of simple design Individual objects are fragmented Since 2. x GNOME is followed.
The glossy sheen’s resource overhead isn’t as low as it is in KDE. The use of a component-level plug-and-play design strategy helps to keep global resource overhead to a minimum.
Some of the bells and whistles haven’t got adjusted. The more you go from standard off-the-shelf technology, the more faults and errors you’ll see. The stability gets promoted by using solid if outdated, frameworks.
A consistent design style limits the entire spectrum of UI changes. Customize outside of the restrictions of a global environment by choosing from a variety of window managers/compositors.
It tends to provide tools that are compatible with Gnome 3. x routes. Great for older utilities that don’t leave the Gnome 2. x realm or update slowly.
Themes are ready to use right away and may get customized with a few clicks. It takes time to set things up.


Linux Mint Cinnamon vs Mate – Which one should you pick?

Short answer: it is entirely up to you.

Long answer: When selecting between ” Linux mint cinnamon vs mate, “several aspects are considered. Our suggestion for beginner Linux users is the Cinnamon desktop. It’s pretty convenient for Windows users. If you wish to, you may also test out the MATE desktop.

You may install several desktop environments on your PC using Linux Mint. You can quickly test them out on your own and decide which one you want to continue with.

Final Verdict

All three desktop environments get based on the GTK toolkit; thus, the choice is solely a matter of personal preference. For a small PC with 4 GB of RAM, all of them run smoothly. In addition, MATE can run on devices with as little as 2GB of RAM.

Despite its contemporary look, Cinnamon requires little adjusting at the component level. It uses more resources, but it looks better. Although robust, MATE lacks polish. A little patience and understanding of how things function behind the hood require for fine-tuning, but it’s a lot of fun!

An extremely flexible and tested interface, MATE is still rocking the Windows XP themes. Cinnamon strives to be modern to achieve this goal, delivering more polish while sacrificing efficiency and customization.

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